Board Members
Delwik Group as a family office focused group engages with a select number of individual who are shareholder of the funds we manage, descendants of established families. This ownership creates a unique and healthy governance structure but most importantly the shareholders decide on independent board members who monitor performance and work with management on the strategic and investment decisions through their representation on the Board of the Directors. The dedicated Delwik Group Board of Directors is led by professionals who have extensive experience in their respective fields.

Previous management consulting experience includes Head of Strategy Consulting Services - Accenture Lagos office and Strategy Lead at Letsema Consulting South Africa. Industry experience includes Financial Services, Public Sector and FMCG. 18 years consulting experience in various countries including the UK, Ghana and South Africa.
Expertise in Corporate Strategy, Business Strategy, Due Diligence, Post Merger Integration, Organizational Enhancement, Corporate Governance and Board Performance Improvement, Project management, Performance Management, Government Relations, and other organizational consulting functions.
Experience working with government, public sector enterprises, regulators, banks, non-bank financial institutions and corporate clients on transformational projects. Engaged clients at Ministerial, Board, Executive Management and Operational level, in both private and public sector. Effective in global institutions, managing diverse staff, developing business relationships, working across borders, and maximizing or optimizing performance in matrix organizations. She is also a Managing Director at Rockerfella.

I focus on gender-lens investing and catalyzing marketable, scalable, sustainable and impactful home-grown innovations for African-led growth as well as building strategic partnerships and innovation ecosystems that will invigorate inclusive economic growth across the African continent.
To address the existing US$ 42 billion gender funding gap in Africa, I invest in African impactful, innovative Female-led businesses.
I am a Fulbright Fellow & Scholar and seat on various Boards of companies/institutions involved in supporting/promoting African businesses/entrepreneurship/innovation. I am also an international public speaker on topics related to Africa’s sustainable development, impact investing/gender-lens investing, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Inclusivity, Women and Youth empowerment.

My areas of focus are: internet affordability and meaningful connectivity , broadband infrastructure and access regulations, spectrum and licensing policies, universal service, data protection, gender and inclusion. I’ve also advised on access/connectivity and investment policies needed for the development of the digital economy and digital transformation

With 23 yrs of Portfolio management experience, I get paid by smart money to be first into the best deals and to be first, you have to have great relationships, and you can’t wait for consensus. I can significantly reduce fee’s, mitigate risk, and reduce the overall cost of entering the Venture- Web3 markets... My contact is below. When it comes to direct investments, why only choose a handful of funds to invest in when you can handpick the best companies inside every fund and custom create your own venture portfolio and hold all the assets in-house yourself that matches your Family Office risk profile.
I have worked for several Family Offices over 20+ yrs and can dramatically improve investment allocation, venture exposure, alternative investments & performance while cutting fat fees. I believe that DPI is critical when measuring fund returns because it measures how much capital has been returned back to investors. While IRR- or TVPI represents the multiple of capital that could be realized, DPI actually states the capital realized and distributed back to LP's. ( Could be realized- doesn't pay the bills) I lean towards an asset allocation portfolio in line with Yale/endowment model, which produces most of its alpha through private venture investments -MPT guidelines.
Evaluate performance of existing investments including underperformers that may be sold into strength and redeemed or liquidated, while consistently building dry powder on the sidelines—exit investments failing performance, risk, or those that have excessive fees attached. ( I believe fortunes are built and made in down markets and then collected in the up markets! ) Connecting Family Offices to my private syndicate of investment opportunities from other Family Offices and Teir#1 VC's and across all relevant asset classes. Propose investments in niche offerings with exceptionally compelling risk/reward profiles to which a family is under-allocated. Educate the 2nd generation on what they own & inheriting and how not to get ripped off. Prep the handover to your kids, including intro’s to other families, enrolling in the top Ivy league MBA - finance and venture programs, and mentoring along the way until they graduate and you are ready to hand over the torch.
A: Bahnhofstrasse 10 | 8001 Zurich | Switzerland
E: [email protected]
T: +41787487243 | +27 71 40 73 618